The Most Accurate And
Timely Institutional
Investor Database

A Proven Asset To The Investment Community

For over 15 years, FIN Searches has provided crucial data intelligence to the institutional investment community. Through our reporting and research we have helped asset managers find new business and cultivate relationships with institutional investors. Our database offers new mandates each day along with an accurate and robust directory component that helps users take charge of their interests. We offer hundreds of search filters across our mandate, plan, consultant, manager and document sections that allow you to create a customized user experience matching your interests.


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See how our user-friendly online tool helps you find information quickly and easily.

Not only does FIN Searches have the most accurate and updated information, it also offers customization. From configuring your homepage dashboard to enabling specified mandate and document email alerts, there are always ways to get the most of our database.

Investment Mandates

Gain access to real-time investment activity. Utilize keyword searches to access specific search leads. Examine manager hires and terminations.

Investor Directory

Leverage our filtering options to search through our listings of plans, consultants and managers to locate entities based on your specific needs.

Institutional Investor Contacts

Filter through tens of thousands of contacts across plans, consultants and MoMs to stay informed and get in touch.

Allocator Breakdown

Browse firm profiles to gain insights on general contact information, returns, investment initiatives, firm relationships and related contacts.

What's Inside









Included With All Subscriptions:

Access To Our News

Subscribers gain full access to our FIN Daily, Nonprofit News and Emerging Manager Monthly content, providing you with invaluable intelligence and up-to-date information on decision makers, managers, and investment activity.

Exporting Capabilities

After conducting a search from our sections you can export the search results to a CSV. Use this to create your own custom reports or for importing into your CRM.

Built-in Task Management

Our tasks component allows you to create actionable tasks throughout each section of the site which can be shared with team members, used for making notes and reminder emails.

Customizable Email Alerts

Our saved search feature allow you to enable email alerts based on your searches within the Mandate and Documents sections.

Premium Add-On Offerings:

Document Search

Hundred of thousands of institutional documents at your disposal. Learn more here.

Advanced Exporting

Gain access to more data points with this add-on. Contact us for more info

CRM Integration

Connect your CRM to instantly export our data. For more info please contact us.

*These options are available at an additional cost. Please contact us for pricing.

Recognized Success

"We found our largest client off a FIN Searches reported search.
Thank you again for your help."

- Neumeier Poma Investment Counsel