Institutional Investor Contacts


FIN Searches is the leading provider of up-to-date contact information on plan contacts, consultant contacts, and manager-of-manager contacts. 

With FIN Searches, you gain access to comprehensive contact profiles that include vital information on your target contacts. Discover key details, including their name, title, email, phone and biography. 

Locate Contacts Through Advanced Search Capabilities

With FIN Searches, you can quickly and easily identify contacts by plan size, from minimum to maximum, to ensure you're targeting the right prospects for your business. Discover a variety of plan types as well, from corporate and public defined benefit plans to endowments and trust funds, all with just a few clicks. Narrow plans contacts by their location using city, state, metro and region search.

The database also provides valuable information on consultant contacts. Review their name, title, phone, email and biography, as well as their firm's information, including city, state, metro area and region. With this valuable data at your fingertips, you can easily identify and reach out to the right consultants for your business needs. 

Institutional Investor Contacts Summary

At FIN Searches, we pride ourselves on providing the most accurate and up-to-date contact information available. With our powerful search tools and extensive database, you can easily find the information you need to stay ahead of the competition. 

Don't waste another minute sifting through outdated and incomplete contact information. Choose FIN Searches today and take your business to the next level!

Check Out FIN Searches Today

FIN Searches has built a proven reputation over the past 15+ years offering the most powerful and complete sales and marketing tool for the institutional asset management industry.

Our commitment to providing highly specific searches, valuable intelligence, customization options, as well as premium add-on offerings have made us an industry standard for institutional investment professionals.

If you are ready to start seeing immediate results you can schedule a demo using the calendar tool below. We'll also provide you with up to two weeks of trial access.